Hopi Ears are a traditional non-invasive healthy alternative to ear syringing
Hopi Ears Coventry
Hopi Ear Candles can benefit conditions affecting the head and ears such as sinus congestion, ear noises and excessive earwax. The rising air through the column of the candle and gentle natural movement of the flame serve to gently massage the ear drum.
A traditional non-invasive healthy alternative to ear syringing; as we know ear syringing can be very uncomfortable and time consuming if you have to wait to see a doctor but with our 30 minute treatment you will feel instant relief and relaxation in a calm and peaceful environment.
You might have earwax build-up because:
- you just have more wax in your ears – some people do naturally
- you have hairy or narrow canals (the tubes that link the eardrum and outer ear)
- of your age – wax gets harder and more difficult to fall out
- of hearing aids, earplugs and other things you put in your ear – these can push the wax further in
- Helps with any sinus problems
- Hay fever
- Allergies
- Irritation of the ear canal
- Ear fluid circulation
- Snoring
- Relieving Headaches
- Improving hearing & reversing hearing loss
- Treating cold & flus
- Relieving soar throats
- Reducing pain related to jaw aches
- Reducing Vertigo
- Reduce tension and stress
- Non-invasive
- Releases any ear blockages